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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 527-1:2011-08

Office furniture - Work tables and desks - Part 1: Dimensions; German version EN 527-1:2011

German title
Büromöbel - Büro-Arbeitstische - Teil 1: Maße; Deutsche Fassung EN 527-1:2011
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Various designs of furniture for general office use exist as a consequence of rapid technological evolutions. This standard applies to office furniture of contemporary design. The dimensions in this standard are based on the requirements of anthropometric measurements, mechanical design, subjective preference and other factors. The dimensional requirements of the work tables and desks are based upon the 5th and 95th percentile of the European office user group. In general, this is the 5th percentile female and the 95th percentile male (from 1 493 mm to 1 913 mm for the stature height). To accomplish the needs of office users outside this range, individual solutions can be applied. Some European countries can have 5th percentile females and/or 95th percentile males outside this European user group. This European Standard specifies dimensions of work tables and desks for office tasks to be undertaken in a seated, a sit stand or standing position. It includes neither dimensions for storage units nor those for other tables in the office area or reception desks. The responsible Committee is NA 042-05-19 AA "SpA zu CEN/TC 207/SC 3 & ISO/TC 136/WG 1 & WG 2 Büromöbel" ("Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 207/SC 3 & ISO/TC 136/WG 1 & WG 2 Office furniture") at DIN.


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