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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN 50407-3:2014-12

VDE 0819-407-3:2014-12

Multi-pair cables used in high bit rate digital access telecommunications networks - Part 3: Indoor multi-pair/quad riser cables up to 100 MHz for maximum length of connection 100 m supporting universal services, xDSL and applications up to 100 Mbit/s over IP; German version EN 50407-3:2014

German title
Vielpaarige Kabel für digitale Telekommunikationsnetzwerke mit hoher Bitrate - Teil 3: Vielpaarige-/Vierer-Steigekabel im Innenbereich bis 100 MHz über eine maximale Verbindungslänge von 100 m für universelle Dienste, xDSL und Anwendungen bis zu 100 Mbit/s über Internetprotokoll (IP); Deutsche Fassung EN 50407-3:2014
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This standard describes the requirements as well as the associated definitions for multi-pair/quad cables for installation in multi-dwelling units universal services and xDSL. The cables provided with an overall screen are suitable as indoor cables for transmission characteristics up to 100 MHz for the connection of the individual information technology wiring with the external broadband connection for applications up to 100 MBits over internet protocol (IP). The maximum recommended length amounts to 100 m. Applications with higher bit rates require cables described in the corresponding part of the EN 50406 or EN 50288 standard series. The electrical and mechanical characteristics, the transmission characteristics and behaviour in relation to the environmental conditions are described with regard to the test methods. The responsible committee is DKE/K 412 "Kommunikationskabel (Kabel, Leitungen, Wellenleiter, Lichtwellenleiter, Komponenten, Zubehör und Anlagentechnik für die Nachrichten- und Informationsübertragung") ("Communication cables (cables, conductors, waveguides, fibre optic cables, components, accessories and systems technology for communication and data transmission")) of DKE (German Commission for Electrical, Electronic and Information Technologies) at DIN and VDE.

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