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DIN EN 3660-062:2016-04

Aerospace series - Cable outlet accessories for circular and rectangular electrical and optical connectors - Part 062: Cable outlet, style K, 90°, for heat shrinkable boot, shielded, sealed, self-locking for EN 3645 - Product standard; German and English version EN 3660-062:2016

German title
Luft- und Raumfahrt - Endgehäuse für elektrische und optische Rund- und Rechtecksteckverbinder - Teil 062: Endgehäuse, Bauform K, 90°, für wärmeschrumpfende Bauteile, Schirmanschluss, abgedichtet, selbstsichernd für EN 3645 - Produktnorm; Deutsche und Englische Fassung EN 3660-062:2016
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Original language
German, English

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The DIN EN 3660 series of standards describes the characteristics of cable outlet accessories for electrical and optical circular and rectangular connectors for aerospace applications. The new edition of Part 062 specifies a series of cable outlets, style K, 90°, shielded, sealed, self-locking (anti-rotational), for heat shrinkable boot, and/or metal bands, for use under the following conditions: associated connectors are listed in EN 3660-002. Class N in EN 3660-001 corresponds to class F in EN 3660-062. Temperature range: Class F (N): -65 °C to 200 °C (see note above); Class K: -65 °C to 200 °C; Class W: -65 °C to 175 °C; Class T: -65 °C to 175 °C (nickel/PTFE surface protection); Class Z: -65 °C to 175 °C (zinc-nickel surface protection). Associated electrical accessories: EN 3660-033 metal band (shielded). These cable outlets allow connection of overall and/or individual shields as well as the accommodation of heat shrinkable boot. This standard differs from DIN EN 3660-062:2010-10 as follows: (a) the scope has been extended to include metallic strips and the temperature range Classes T and Z; (b) the normative references have been updated; (c) Figure 1 has been revised and the legend has been extended; (d) Table 1 has been revised, designated as Table 1a) and a Table 1b) for optional dimensions has been included; e) Table 2 has been supplemented with the new temperature range classes and corresponding values, in some cases existing values were changed; f) limit dimensions have been included for distance D in Table 3; g) Figure 3 and Table 4 have been revised and in some cases changed; h) material and surface protection have been included for Classes T and Z in 4.5; i) in Table 5, Classes T and Z have been included and the tightening torques changed; j) the newly added Classes T and Z have been taken into account in the tests in Table 6, tests according to EN 2591-214 and EN 2591-423 and partial changes and/or additions have been included for the remaining tests; k) 5.2, special tests and in particular Figure 4 have been changed; l) letter B has been omitted in the specification of the decoupling protection in the identification block in Clause 6. The standards of the EN 3660 series are prepared by the ASD-STAN, Technical Section Electrotechnology, with the participation of German experts from DIN Standards Committee Aerospace (NL). AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe - Standardization (ASD-STAN) has been declared responsible by the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) for preparing European Standards (EN) for the field of aerospace. By agreement of 3 October 1986, ASD became the Associated Organization (ASB) of CEN. The responsible German standardization body is Working Committee NA 131-04-03 AA "Elektrische Verbindungselemente" ("Electrical Connectors") at DIN Standards Committee Aerospace (NL).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 3660-062:2010-10 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 3660-062:2022-09 .

Cooperation at DIN

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