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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 35:2014-07

Pedestal and wall-hung bidets with over-rim supply - Connecting dimensions; German version EN 35:2014

German title
Bodenstehende und wandhängende Sitzwaschbecken mit Zulauf von oben - Anschlussmaße; Deutsche Fassung EN 35:2014
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Economic developments in the sanitary industry and increased demands for comfort as well as distinctive cost awareness by users constantly lead to new product model developments. The products described in this standard can now also be found more often in our latitudes in baths, both in the private sphere as well as in public buildings. The equally growing European goods exchange compels manufactures to not only provide a high product quality, but to define unified possibilities for connection to the building drainage systems and to take these into account for their products. Bidets are also affected by these developments. New trends in manufacture and design of the products lead to a new definition of certain connecting dimensions, for which there is consent on the part of the European manufacturers. The new edition of this standard contains exactly these modifications. At the same time, a step in the direction to "clean up" the complete body of standards has been made; this new standard will replace the standards DIN EN 35:2000 and DIN EN 36:1999. The standard has been prepared by CEN/TC 163/WG 3 "Closet bowls, flushing cisterns, urinals, bidets and kitchen sinks" (secretariat: DIN) with significant support from Committee NA 119-05-18-01 UA "Waschtische, Sitzwaschbecken, Klosetts, Urinale" ("Wash basins, bidets, WCs, urinals").

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 35:2000-04 , DIN EN 36:1999-01 .

Cooperation at DIN

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