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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 31:2014-07

Wash basins - Connecting dimensions; German version EN 31:2011+A1:2014

German title
Waschbecken - Anschlussmaße; Deutsche Fassung EN 31:2011+A1:2014
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DIN EN 31 specifies connecting dimensions for wash basins in accordance with EN 14688, independent of the material used for their manufacture. This document is the first modification of the standard DIN EN 31 which has been requested by the responsible European committee CEN/TC 163/WG 3 "Closet bowls, flushing cisterns, urinals, bidets and kitchen sinks" (secretariat: DIN, Germany). The previous angle size of the cone, formed by the upper area of the drain hole was not suitable in the view of various wash basin and handrinse basin manufacturers to connect waste fittings in accordance with series DIN EN 274 in a watertight manner and operate them leak-free. The angle size of 100° maximum which has now been included corresponds with the actual technical conditions of the use of today's marketable waste fittings and excludes limitations with respect to future designer developments of waste fittings. The responsible committee at DIN, NA 119-05-08-01 UA "Waschtische, Sitzwaschbecken, Klosetts, Urinale" ("Sinks, bidets, WCs, urinals") of NAW, was responsible for this modification of the standard.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 31:2011-11 .

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