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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 2434-004:2010-12

Aerospace series - Paints and varnishes - Two component cold curing polyurethane finish - Part 004: High flexibility; German and English version EN 2434-004:2010

German title
Luft- und Raumfahrt - Beschichtungsstoffe - Zweikomponenten-Polyurethan-Decklack, kalthärtend - Teil 004: Hohe Elastizität; Deutsche und Englische Fassung EN 2434-004:2010
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Original language
German, English

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This standard EN 2434-004 has been prepared by ASD-STAN, Technical Section Non-metallic materials, with the participation of German experts of the Coatings and Coating Materials Standards Committee (NAB) and the Aerospace Standards Committee (NL). This European Standard specifies the requirements for a two component polyurethane finish to be applied over a primer mainly for exterior aerospace applications, offering high flexibility. The properties specified in this standard are obtained on defined aluminium alloy test pieces prepared in accordance with EN 3837 and EN 23270 and coated with primer to EN 2435-002. The ability of the material to be used for a specific application (for example, alternative substrate, alternative primer, specific drying conditions, and so on) shall be determined by supplementary tests to confirm that the requirements of this standard are met.


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