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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 233:2017-02

Wallcoverings in roll form - Specification for finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastics wallcoverings; German version EN 233:2016

German title
Wandbekleidungen in Rollen - Festlegungen für fertige Papier-, Vinyl- und Kunststoffwandbekleidungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 233:2016
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This European Standard: - specifies requirements for finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastics wallcoverings; - specifies requirements for marking; - gives the designation system. The marking requirements of this standard are primarily for the consumer's information to enable optimum selection of the product. This standard applies to finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastics wallcoverings not intended for subsequent decoration supplied in rolls for hanging on indoor walls and ceilings by means of an adhesive covering the whole of the interface between the wallcovering and the support surface. Excluded from this standard are rigid materials, materials not attached or not wholly attached by adhesive, wallcoverings for subsequent decoration, textile wallcoverings and non-decorative wallcoverings such as wall linings or those with special properties, such as thermal or acoustic insulation. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-09-84 AA "Stoffe für Tapezierarbeiten (SpA zu CEN/TC 99)" ("Materials for wallpapering (Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 99)") at DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (NaBau).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 233:1999-08 .

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