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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 2240-035:2010-09

Aerospace series - Lamps, incandescent - Part 035: Lamp, code 387 - Product standard; German and English version EN 2240-035:2010

German title
Luft- und Raumfahrt - Glühlampen - Teil 035: Lampe, Kode 387 - Produktnorm; Deutsche und Englische Fassung EN 2240-035:2010
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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The EN 2240 standard series specifies the characteristics of incandescent lamps used for aerospace applications. Fields of application are, for instance, lighting and/or interior or exterior signalling. Whilst part 001 contains the technical specifications, part 002 gives an overview of the main characteristics of the described incandescent lamps, the parts 003 to 105 are products standards which specify the required characteristics for one type each. Part 035 specifies the required characteristics for lamps, code 387 (nominal voltage 28 V, nominal current 0,04 A, nominal luminous flux 3,8 lm, cap SX6s, and clear bulb) for aerospace applications. It shall be used together with EN 2756. This standard has been prepared by ASD-STAN, Technical Section Electrics, Avionics, with the participation of German experts of the Aerospace Standards Committee. The European Committee for Standardization (CEN) declared the Aerospace and Defence Industries Association of Europe (ASD-STAN) responsible for the preparation of European standards (EN) for the field of aerospace. The responsible German standardization committee is Working Committee NA 131-04-06 AA "Lampen und Leuchten" ("Lamps and refulgence") of the Aerospace Standards Committee (NL) at DIN.


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