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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 1873:2016-07

Prefabricated accessories for roofing - Individual rooflights of plastics - Product specification and test methods; German version EN 1873:2014+A1:2016

German title
Vorgefertigte Zubehörteile für Dachdeckungen - Lichtkuppeln aus Kunststoff - Produktspezifikation und Prüfverfahren; Deutsche Fassung EN 1873:2014+A1:2016
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This European Standard specifies requirements for rooflights made of plastic materials (for example, GF-UP, PC, PMMA, PVC) and rooflights with upstands made of, for example, GF-UP, PVC, steel, aluminium or wood for installation in roofs. These rooflights serve the purpose of introducing daylight. This European Standard applies to rooflights with a rectangular or circular ground plan, with an opening span (width) or diameter not larger than 2,5 m and an opening length not larger than 3,0 m in roof pitches up to 25°. This document does not cover rooflights which contribute to the load-bearing or stiffness of the roof itself. This European Standard applies to rooflights and rooflights with upstand, where a single manufacturer provides all components of the rooflight with upstand, which are bought in a single purchase. This European Standard applies to rooflights with one or several translucent parts. Rooflights may be opened by means of opening devices in one or more parts for ventilation. The possible additional functions of day to day ventilation, smoke and heat ventilation for example in case of fire in accordance with EN 12101-2, roof access, and/ or slinging point, for example in accordance with EN 795 are outside the scope of this European Standard. This European Standard does not include calculations with regard to construction, design requirements and installation techniques. This standard differs from DIN EN 1873.2014-08 as follows: a) editorial amendments have been made, including changes to formulae and terms in Annex D. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-02-07 AA "Vorgefertigte Zubehörteile für Dachdeckungen (SpA zu CEN/TC 128/SC 9)" ("Prefabricated accessories for roof coverings (national mirror committee for CEN/TC 128/SC 9)") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 1873:2014-08 .

Cooperation at DIN

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