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DIN EN 17656:2022-12

Stationary source emissions - Requirements on proficiency testing schemes for emission measurements; German version EN 17656:2022

German title
Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Anforderungen an Eignungsprüfungsprogramme für Emissionsmessungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 17656:2022
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Short description
This document supplements the requirements of EN ISO/IEC 17043 by providing clarification and additional information for proficiency testing schemes for emission measurements. It gives specific requirements for: -competence of proficiency testing providers, -proficiency testing facility characteristics, and -design, operation and evaluation of proficiency testing schemes by means of interlaboratory comparisons. All these aspects are necessary in order to organize and conduct proficiency testing on emission measurements. Requirements on the competence of proficiency testing providers cover personnel, organisation, equipment and environment. Requirements on the proficiency testing facility characteristics cover measurement sections, measurements ports and working area for the participants. Requirements on the proficiency testing schemes cover: -design, including planning, preparations, homogeneity and stability of test atmospheres and statistical design, -operation, including handling and instruction of participants, -calculation and use of assigned values, and -testing results evaluation, including statistical data. This document supports the application of proficiency testing schemes for checking the performance of testing laboratories in the context of qualification, accreditation and related quality checks in relation to the application of standardized measurement methods such as standard reference methods (SRM) or alternative methods (AM). This document is applicable in combination with EN ISO/IEC 17043 only.

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