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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 17359:2020-10

Stationary source emissions - Bioaerosols and biological agents - Sampling of bioaerosols and collection in liquids - Impingement method; German version EN 17359:2020

German title
Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bioaerosole und biologische Agenzien - Probenahme von Bioaerosolen und Abscheidung in Flüssigkeiten - Impinger-Methode; Deutsche Fassung EN 17359:2020
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Original language
The publisher recommends this document in lieu of the withdrawn document VDI 4257 Blatt 2:2011-09 , for which no replacement is available.

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Publication date
Original language
The publisher recommends this document in lieu of the withdrawn document VDI 4257 Blatt 2:2011-09 , for which no replacement is available.

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Short description
This Standard contains specifications for active sampling of bioaerosols from exhaust air flowing through a defined cross-section of a stack. It defines general principles that have to be taken into account during an isokinetic sampling campaign for bioaerosols by bubbling the exhaust air through a specific impinge designed for emission measurements.In the Standard the application with culturable organisms is specified but the same principle might be applicable for other analysis methods (e. g. molecular and/or enzyme-based methods).The impinger is designed to allow a sample volume flow of 1 m3/h to 1,8 m3/h, or 16 l/min to 30 l/min, respectively, and has been tested with regard to various microorganisms within broad concentration ranges

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