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DIN EN 16846-1:2017-05

Photocatalysis - Measurement of efficiency of photocatalytic devices used for the elimination of VOC and odour in indoor air in active mode - Part 1: Batch mode test method in closed chamber; German version EN 16846-1:2017

German title
Photokatalyse - Messung der Effizienz photokatalytischer Geräte im aktiven Modus zur Beseitigung flüchtiger organischer Verbindungen (VOC) und von Geruch in der Raumluft - Teil 1: Batch-Betrieb-Prüfverfahren mit einer geschlossenen Kammer; Deutsche Fassung EN 16846-1:2017
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This European Standard describes the methodologies to be used in a laboratory air tight chamber to test prototype or commercial air cleaner systems with a maximum flow rate of 1,000 m3/h used for photocatalytic indoor air remediation. It is applicable to the treatment of atmospheres that are representative of the air inside buildings and workplaces. This document is applicable solely to photocatalytic systems alone or to combined systems that include a photocatalytic function. The photocatalytic function is demonstrated by verifying the mineralization of model VOCs to form CO2. This document (EN 16846-1:2017) has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 386 "Photocatalysis", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR (France). The responsible national committee is Working Committee NA 062-02-93 AA "Photokatalyse" ("Photocatalysis") at DIN Standards Committee Materials Testing (NMP).


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