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DIN EN 16689:2017-06

Protective clothing for firefighters - Performance requirements for protective clothing for technical rescue; German version EN 16689:2017

German title
Schutzkleidung für Feuerwehrleute - Leistungsanforderungen für Schutzkleidung für die technische Rettung; Deutsche Fassung EN 16689:2017
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This European Standard specifies the minimum requirements for technical rescue clothing. Technical rescues involves work associated with the environments, and conditions associated with operational scenarios such as but not limited to those found during road traffic collisions and when working in and around collapsed structures often for extended periods of time after natural disasters (earthquake, landslides, etcetera) where protection against mechanical risks, limited heat and flame and conspicuity is needed. This could involve heavy workloads, working in confined spaces and require conspicuity in public places. This European Standard covers the general clothing design, the minimum performance levels of the material used, the methods of test to be used to determine these performance levels, and marking and information supplied by the manufacturer. Unless combined with other specialized PPE and tested accordingly this standard is not applicable to clothing used to protect against risks encountered in fighting fires, wildland fires or rescue from fire, dealing with hazardous chemicals, working with chainsaws and water and rope rescue. This European Standard does not cover protection for the head, hands and feet or protection against other hazards, such as chemical, radiological and electrical hazards. These aspects are covered in other European Standards. The responsible German standardization committee is Working Committee NA 075-05-02 AA "Schutzkleidung gegen Hitze und Feuer" ("Protective clothing against heat and fire") at DIN Standards Committee Personal Protective Equipment (NPS).


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