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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16627:2015-09

Sustainability of construction works - Assessment of economic performance of buildings - Calculation methods; German version EN 16627:2015

German title
Nachhaltigkeit von Bauwerken - Bewertung der ökonomischen Qualität von Gebäuden - Berechnungsmethoden; Deutsche Fassung EN 16627:2015
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This European Standard specifies the calculation methods, based on Life Cycle Costing (LCC) and other quantified economic information, to assess the economic performance of a building, and gives the means for the reporting and communication of the outcome of the assessment. This European Standard is applicable to new and existing buildings and refurbishment projects. This European Standard gives: - the description of the object of assessment; - the system boundary that applies at the building level; - the scope and procedure to be used for the analysis; - the list of indicators and procedures for the calculations of these indicators; - the requirements for presentation of the results in reporting and communication; - and the requirements for the data necessary for the calculation. This approach to the assessment covers all stages of the building life cycle and includes all building related construction products, processes and services, used over the life cycle of the building. The interpretation and value judgments of the results of the assessment are not within the scope of this European Standard. This European Standard is part of a suite of European Standards, Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for the assessment of the economic performance of buildings that together support quantification of the contribution of the assessed building to sustainable construction and sustainable development. The economic performance, the environmental and social performance of a building is assessed as part of a sustainability assessment. The framework conditions are described in the European Standards EN 15643-1, EN 15643-2, EN 15643-3 and EN 15643-4.


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