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DIN EN 16604-10:2014-12

Space sustainability - Adoption Notice of ISO 24113: Space systems - Space debris mitigation requirements; German and English version EN 16604-10:2014

German title
Nachhaltigkeit im Weltraum - Übernahmebemerkung zu ISO 24113: Space systems - Space debris mitigation requirements; Deutsche und Englische Fassung EN 16604-10:2014
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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This document identifies the clauses and requirements modified with respect to the standard ISO 24113, "Space systems - Space debris mitigation requirements", second edition 2011-05-15 for application in ECSS. The standard ISO 24113, "Space systems - Space debris mitigation" requirements has been developed by ISO/TC 20/SC 14. The key space debris mitigation requirements have been thoroughly discussed at international level, agreed by the ISO members and published as standard ISO 24113. Aiming at the development of world wide implementation standards dealing with space debris mitigation, ECSS has proactively contributed to the preparation of ISO 24113. ECSS decided to adopt and apply ISO 24133 with a minimum set of modifications, identified in the present document, to account for the reference and applicable space debris mitigation documents existing in Europe and of the needs of the ECSS members.

Replacement amendments

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 16604-10:2020-04 .

Cooperation at DIN

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