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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16601-10-01:2014-11

Space project management - Part 10-01: Organization and conduct of reviews; German version EN 16601-10-01:2014

German title
Raumfahrt-Projektmanagement - Teil 10-01: Organisation und Durchführung von Reviews; Deutsche Fassung EN 16601-10-01:2014
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This standard provides means for identifying and structuring all of the activities and information required in a project review. It identifies the information outputs and activities necessary to complete the process. It also provides a check-list of activities and information required for each of the project reviews identified in the ECSS Management Standards. This standard may be tailored for the specific characteristics and constraints of a space project, in conformance with ECSS-S-ST-00. This document has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/CLC/TC 5 "Space", the secretariat of which is held by DIN. The responsible German standardization committee is Working Committee NA 131-10-01 AA "Interoperabilität von Informations-, Kommunikations- und Navigationssystemen" ("Interoperability of information, communication and navigation systems") of the Standards Committee Aerospace (NL) at DIN. This document supersedes EN 14093:2003-03. This document has been developed to cover specifically space systems and has therefore precedence over any European Standard covering the same scope but with a wider domain of applicability (for example: aerospace).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 14093:2003-03 .

Cooperation at DIN

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