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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16594:2015-01

Packaging - Rigid plastic containers - PET finish 26/22 (12,0); German version EN 16594:2014

German title
Verpackung - Formstabile Kunststoffbehälter - PET-Verschlussmundstück 26/22 (12,0); Deutsche Fassung EN 16594:2014
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This European Standard specifies the design and dimensions of the 26 mm screw finish with three thread starts for flat waters and non-carbonated beverages. This finish can be used for aseptic filling and filling with nitrogen charge (internal overpressure inferior to 1 bar max). The dimension (12,0) is the height in millimetres from the top of finish to the bottom of the support ledge. This finish is designed to accept a tamper evident plastic closure only. During first opening, the tamper evident band will separate from the closure shell and remain on a one way bottle neck or like bottles in the returnable market the tamper evident band will tear but will remain connected to the closure shell. This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 261 "Packaging", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR (France). The responsible national committee is Working Committee NA 115-02-09 AA "Behältnisse aus Kunststoff" ("Rigid plastic containers") at DIN Standards Committee Packaging.


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