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DIN EN 16585-2:2017-05

Railway applications - Design for PRM use - Equipment and components on board rolling stock - Part 2: Elements for sitting, standing and moving; German version EN 16585-2:2017

German title
Bahnanwendungen - Gestaltung für die Nutzung durch PRM - Ausstattung und Bauteile in Schienenfahrzeugen - Teil 2: Bauteile zum Sitzen, Stehen und Fortbewegen; Deutsche Fassung EN 16585-2:2017
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This document is part of a suite of four "Design for PRM use" standards that have in total nine parts: - EN 16584 is a standard that covers the following areas: infrastructure and rolling stock - Railway applications - Design for PRM use - General requirements: -- Part 1: Contrast (EN 16584-1); -- Part 2: Information (EN 16584-2); -- Part 3: Optical and friction characteristics (EN 16584-3). - EN 16585 is a standard that covers the following areas: rolling stock - Railway applications - Design for PRM use - Equipment and components on board rolling stock: -- Part 1: Toilets (EN 16585-1); -- Part 2: Elements for sitting, standing and moving (EN 16585-2); -- Part 3: Clearways and internal doors (EN 16585-3). - EN 16586 is a standard that covers the following areas: rolling stock - Railway applications - Design for PRM use - Accessibility of persons with reduced mobility to rolling stock: -- Part 1: Steps for access and egress (EN 16586-1); -- Part 2: Boarding aids (EN 16586-2). - EN 16587 is a standard that covers the following areas: infrastructure - Railway applications - Design for PRM use - Requirements for obstacle free routes for infrastructure. These standards aim to clarify the requirements (with clear and consistent terms and definitions) and to define the associated criteria and, where appropriate, methodologies to allow a clear pass/fail assessment.

11.180.01, 45.060.20

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