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DIN EN 16582-2:2015-11

Domestic swimming pools - Part 2: Specific requirements including safety and test methods for inground pools; German version EN 16582-2:2015

German title
Schwimmbäder für private Nutzung - Teil 2: Besondere Anforderungen einschließlich sicherheitstechnischer Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren für in den Boden eingelassene Schwimmbäder; Deutsche Fassung EN 16582-2:2015
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This part of prEN 16582 specifies the specific safety and quality requirements and test methods for domestic partially or fully inground swimming pools in addition to the general requirements of EN 16582-1 and shall be read in conjunction with it. The requirements of this specific standard take priority over those in EN 16582-1. These requirements and test methods are only applicable to partially or fully inground pool structures, including their means of access. This standard applies to pools with a minimum water depth of more than 400 mm. This standard does not apply to: - pools of public use covered by EN 15288-1; - paddling pools according to EN 71-8; - domestic spas. The responsible German committee is Working Committee NA 112-05-02 AA "Privat genutzte Schwimmbadanlagen und -geräte" ("Private use swimming pool facilities and equipment") at DIN Standards Committee Sports Equipment (NASport).


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