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DIN EN 16429:2021-05

Stationary source emissions - Reference method for the determination of the concentration of gaseous hydrogen chloride (HCl) in waste gases emitted by industrial installations into the atmosphere; German version EN 16429:2021

German title
Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Referenzverfahren zur Bestimmung der Konzentration von gasförmigem Chlorwasserstoff (HCl) in Abgasen, die von Industrieanlagen in die Atmosphäre emittiert werden; Deutsche Fassung EN 16429:2021
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Short description
This European Standard specifies the reference method for the determination of the concentration of gaseous hydrogen chloride (HCl) in waste gases emitted by industrial installations into the atmosphere.This voluntary European standard can be used in the measurements of HCl within the context of the conditions to be set out in permits issued according to the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED), in particular, for waste incineration plants and waste coincineration plants (Chapter IV and associated Annex VI of the IED).Currently, the European manual reference method, as described in EN 1911:2010, consists of the determination of all inorganic gaseous chlorides expressed as HCI. However, the emission limit value in.the IED (Annex VI) is targeting specifically gaseous hydrogen chloride (HCI) and not the other inorganic chlorides. Therefore, the availability of a new standardised method allowing the monitoring of emissions of hydrogen chloride (HCI) from the installations concemed as well as the calibration of on-site automated measurement systems is a necessary condition for the efficient implementation of the Directive.The European Commission (EC) has charged the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) to elaborate this new standard (With Mandate M/513 of January 2013). The work was allocated to CEN/TC 264 "Air Quality"/WG 3 who has prepared a draft Technical Specification CEN/TS 16429 "Stationary source emissions - Sampling and determination of hydrogen chloride content in ducts and stacks - Infrared analytical technique".

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