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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 16330:2013-07

Winter and road service area equipment - Power system and related controls - Power hydraulic system and electric interfaces; German version EN 16330:2013

German title
Winterdienst- und Straßenbetriebsdienstausstattung - Antrieb und Steuerung von Anbaumaschinen - Leistungshydraulik und elektrische Schnittstellen; Deutsche Fassung EN 16330:2013
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This European Standard applies to power systems equipped for operation and to drive implements and attachments such as hydraulic driven front sweepers, mowers or suction sweepers on winter service vehicles or road service vehicles equipped with front-mounting plates according to EN 15432. The purpose of this standard is to ensure interchangeability of vehicles and implements. The minimum requirements on the performance and the components of the hydraulic system, as well as the kind and the size of the connecting elements between the vehicle and the implement, are specified in this standard. Clause 3 of this standard does not cover applications where the implements need a continuous hydraulic oil flow less than 45 l/ min. Clause 4 is dealing with the electrical connection between vehicle and implement to drive an electrically driven hydraulic pump, used in trucks without hydraulic systems. Clause 5 is dealing with a universal electrical connection used for front mounted mowers, spreaders and other road service area equipment with the following functions: power supply and transmitting CAN BUS signals. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 051-03-02 AA "Maschinen für den Straßenbetriebsdienst (Spiegelgremium für CEN/TC 151/WG 16 und CEN/TC 337)" ("Highway maintenance machines (Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 151/WG 16 and CEN/TC 337)") at DIN.


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