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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN 16016-3:2012-12

Non destructive testing - Radiation methods - Computed tomography - Part 3: Operation and interpretation; German version EN 16016-3:2011

German title
Zerstörungsfreie Prüfung - Durchstrahlungsverfahren - Computertomografie - Teil 3: Durchführung und Auswertung; Deutsche Fassung EN 16016-3:2011
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This document gives guidelines for the general principles of X-ray computed tomography (CT) applicable to industrial imaging (in the context of this standard, industrial means non-medical applications); it also gives a consistent set of CT performance parameter definitions, including how these performance parameters relate to CT system specifications. This document deals with computed axial tomography and excludes other types of tomography such as translational tomography and tomosynthesis. This part of the standard series specifies an outline of the operation of a CT system, and the interpretation of the results. It provides the user with technical information to select suitable parameters. This document (EN 16016-3:2011) has been prepared by CEN/TC 138 "Non-destructive testing" with intensive German collaboration. Regarding the German collaboration, the responsible committee is NA 062-08-22 AA "Durchstrahlungsprüfung und Strahlenschutz" ("Radiation methods and radiation protection") of the Materials Testing Standards Committee (NMP).

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 16016-3:2012-01 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 15708-3:2019-09 .

Corrected edition: Corrected document: Customers who purchased the previous document DIN EN 16016-3:2012-01 received free of charge

Cooperation at DIN

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