Standard [WITHDRAWN]
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There is a complete suite of functional standards prepared by CEN/TC 234 "Gas infrastructure" to cover all parts of the gas infrastructure from the input of gas to the transmission system up to the inlet connection of the gas appliances, whether for domestic, commercial or industrial purposes. Compliance to this functional standard ensures the interoperability, safety and reliability requirements of pipeline systems. In preparing this European Standard (EN), a basic understanding of gas supply by the user has been assumed. This EN is applicable to pipelines with a maximum operating pressure (MOP) over 16 bar for the carriage of processed, non-toxic and non-corrosive natural gas as well as for the carriage of non-conventional gases such as injected biomethane complying with EN ISO 13686, intended for onland gas infrastructure. It gives normative and informative references for safe and secure gas infrastructure. It specifies their design, construction, operation and the related aspects of safety, environment and public health, all in order to provide a safe and secure supply of gas. The committee responsible for this standard is committee NA 032-02-01 AA "Gastransportleitungen" ("Gas Transportation") at DIN.
Content (de)
This document replaces DIN EN 1594:2009-06 .
This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 1594:2024-05 .