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DIN EN 15650:2010-09

Ventilation for buildings - Fire dampers; German version EN 15650:2010

German title
Lüftung von Gebäuden - Brandschutzklappen; Deutsche Fassung EN 15650:2010
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This European Standard applies to fire dampers that are to be used in conjunction with fire separating elements to maintain fire compartments. It specifies requirements and gives references to the test methods defined for fire dampers, which are intended to be installed in heating, ventilating and air conditioning installations in buildings. Details are given for the provision of evaluation of conformity and marking of fire dampers. To avoid duplication reference is made to a variety of other standards. In particular, this European standard is applicable together with the standards EN 1366-2 and EN 1363-1 necessary for the fire resistance testing and in conjunction with EN 13501-3 for classification. Fire dampers meeting requirements of this standard may be considered suitable for both ducted and unducted applications. All fire dampers close automatically in the case of fire due to high temperatures. This European Standard does not apply to fire dampers in atmospheres which, as a result of chemical processes, intentionally or inadvertently have detrimental and/or corrosive effects on these dampers. This European Standard has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 156 "Ventilation for buildings" (secretariat: BSI, United Kingdom) with German participation. Working Committee NA 005-52-06 AA "Brandverhalten von Baustoff und Bauteilen - Lüftungsleitungen" ("Fire behaviour of building materials and building components - Ventilation installations") of the Building and Civil Engineering Standards Committee (NABau) is responsible at DIN, the German Institute for Standardization e. V.

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