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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN 15502-1:2015-10

Gas-fired heating boilers - Part 1: General requirements and tests; German version EN 15502-1:2012+A1:2015

German title
Heizkessel für gasförmige Brennstoffe - Teil 1: Allgemeine Anforderungen und Prüfungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 15502-1:2012+A1:2015
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  • This standard is part of the DVGW body of rules.

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  • This standard is part of the DVGW body of rules.

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This European Standard specifies the common requirements and test methods concerning, in particular the construction, safety, fitness for purpose, and rational use of energy, as well as the classification, marking and energy labeling of gas-fired central heating boilers that are fitted with atmospheric burners, fan assisted atmospheric burners or fully premixed burners, and are hereafter referred to as “boilers”. This European Standard is to be used in conjunction with the specific Parts 2 (Part 2-1 and following ones). This European Standard applies to boilers of types B and C, according to CEN/TR 1749:2014: a) that use one or more combustible gases of the three gas families at the pressures stated in EN 437; b) where the temperature of the heat transfer fluid does not exceed 105 °C during normal operation; c) where the maximum operating pressure in the water circuit does not exceed 6 bar; d) which can give rise to condensation under certain circumstances; e) which are declared in the installation instructions to be either a "condensing" boiler or a "low temperature boiler" or a "standard boiler" or an "other boiler". If no declaration is given the boiler is to be considered both a "standard boiler" and an "other boiler"; f) which are intended to be installed inside a building or in a partially protected place; g) which are intended to produce hot water either by the instantaneous or storage principle, the whole being marketed as a single unit. This European Standard applies to boilers designed for sealed water systems or for open water systems. This general standard and the specific standards (see Part 2) provide requirements for boilers with known constructions. For boilers with any alternative constructions, which might not fully be covered by this standard or a specific standard, the risk associated with this alternative construction will need to be assessed. An example of an assessment methodology, based upon risk assessment, is given in Clause 11. This European Standard is not intended to cover appliances intended for connection to gas grids where the quality of the distributed gas is likely to vary to a large extent over the lifetime of the appliance. This standard also takes the Eco-design requirement (Regulation No 813/2013) and the Energy Labeling Regulation (No 811/2013) into consideration.

27.060.30, 91.140.10
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 15502-1:2012-10 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 15502-1:2022-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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