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DIN EN 15425:2017-05

Adhesives - One component polyurethane (PUR) for load-bearing timber structures - Classification and performance requirements; German version EN 15425:2017

German title
Klebstoffe - Einkomponenten-Klebstoffe auf Polyurethanbasis (PUR) für tragende Holzbauteile - Klassifizierung und Leistungsanforderungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 15425:2017
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This European Standard establishes a classification for one component polyurethane (PUR) adhesives according to their suitability for use in load-bearing timber structures in defined climatic exposure conditions; it specifies performance requirements for such adhesives for the factory manufacture or factory like manufacturing of load-bearing timber structures only. It also classifies "adhesive lines" where all the products within the line have almost identical physical/chemical properties and gluing performance, but different reactivity. The performance requirements of this European Standard apply to the adhesives only, not to the timber structure. This standard does not cover the performance of adhesives for on-site gluing (except for factory-like conditions) nor the production of wood-based panels, except solid wood panels, or modified and stabilized wood with considerably reduced swelling and shrinkage properties such as, for example, acetylated wood, heat treated wood and polymer impregnated wood. Compared to DIN EN 15425:2008-06, additional terms have been included in Clause 3. The classification system has been extended to include 90 °C test temperature and 1 mm glue line thickness. The determination of the long-term tensile test perpendicular to the glue line under cyclic climatic conditions in accordance with DIN EN 15416-1 (glass house test) and the determination of viscosity in accordance with DIN EN ISO 2555 have been taken into account. With regard to creep behavior, the required time periods for testing the creep behavior for glue line thickness 0,3 mm (adhesives for general purposes) have been reduced and a new class "Adhesives for special purposes" with 0,5 mm glue line thickness has been introduced. A new clause for labeling and signage has been included. Adhesives for which the performance properties have been tested are marked with a "w" at the end of the designation code. The responsible committee for this standard is NA 042-04-05 AA "Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 193/SC 1 Holzklebung" ("Mirror committee for CEN/TC 193/SC 1 Wood adhesives") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 15425:2008-06 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 15425:2023-05 .

Cooperation at DIN

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