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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 14678-1:2013-06

LPG equipment and accessories - Construction and performance of LPG equipment for automotive filling stations - Part 1: Dispensers; German version EN 14678-1:2013

German title
Flüssiggas-Geräte und Ausrüstungsteile - Bau- und Arbeitsweise von Flüssiggas-Geräten für Autogas-Tankstellen - Teil 1: Zapfsäulen; Deutsche Fassung EN 14678-1:2013
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DIN EN 14678-1 covers the requirements for the design, manufacture, testing and marking of LPG dispensers for automotive LPG filling stations with a maximum allowable pressure of 25 bar (2 500 kPa), where the piping has a maximum DN 40 and any vessel fitted has a volume less than 2 l. It does not cover dispensers with integral pumps, can also be used for piping greater than DN 40 and/or vessels greater than 2 l, but then the PED should also be consulted. DIN EN 14678-1 also covers the requirements for the LPG parts in multi-fuel dispensers. This standard differs from DIN EN 14678-1:2009-08 as follows: a) test requirements have been included in 5.7.1 and 5.8.1; b) normative references have been updated; c) Annex D "Environmental checklist" has been included; d) the definition of "unattended filling stations" has been included; e) the standard has been harmonized with current rules of presentation. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 016-00-06 AA "Flüssiggas-Geräte und Ausrüstung; Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 286" ("Liquefied petroleum gas equipment and accessories; Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 286") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 14678-1:2009-08 .

Cooperation at DIN

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