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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 14492-1:2010-06

Cranes - Power driven winches and hoists - Part 1: Power driven winches; German version EN 14492-1:2006+A1:2009

German title
Krane - Kraftgetriebene Winden und Hubwerke - Teil 1: Kraftgetriebene Winden; Deutsche Fassung EN 14492-1:2006+A1:2009
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This European Standard defines relevant requirements set out in Annex I of the new EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, relating to power-driven winches which were for the first time placed on the EEA market, with the intent of simplifying the means of proving conformity with such requirements. Once this standard is designated a harmonized standard in the Official Journal of the European Communities, a manufacturer applying this standard may assume compliance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive (the so-called presumption of conformity). This standard is applicable to the design, information for use, maintenance and testing of power-driven winches for which the prime mover is an electric motor, hydraulic motor, internal combustion motor or pneumatic motor. They are designed for the lifting and lowering of loads which are suspended on hooks or other load handling devices or for the lifting and lowering of loads on inclined planes or the exclusive pulling of loads on planes which are normally horizontal. The term "crane" includes all machines for cyclic lifting or cyclic lifting and moving of loads which are suspended on hooks or other hoisting mediums; it is also applicable to winches which comply with this definition. This standard is applicable to the following types of winch: a) rope winches; b) chain winches; c) belt winches, except steel belts used as hoisting media; d) traction winches. These types of winches a) to d) also include the following specific applications: - vehicle recovery winches; - winches on boat trailers; - forestry winches; - winches for stationary offshore applications; - winches for drilling applications; - winches to be used exclusively for the pulling of loads. The standard does not apply to: - power-driven hoists in accordance with EN 14492-2; - winches for seagoing vessels and mobile offshore units; - winches for the lifting of persons; - NGL (Non Guided Load) building hoists in accordance with EN 14492-2; - winches for the handling of hot molten masses (hazard covered by EN 14492-2). This standard does not specify additional requirements for hazards related to the use of winches in explosive atmospheres in underground works. With respect to DIN EN 14492-1:2007-02, the following changes have been made: the content has been revised on the basis of EC Directives, in this case Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, with the following significant changes: 1) the normative references have been adapted; 2) the requirements for the safety-related functions of controls have been adapted to EN ISO 13849-1; 3) the user information has been adapted; 4) Annex F "Noise" has been adapted; The national interests were represented by Steering Committee CEN/TC 147-ISO/TC 96 "Cranes", of the Technical Section Hoisting and Conveying Engineering of the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee (NAM) at DIN.

53.020.20, 53.020.99
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 14492-1:2007-02 .

Cooperation at DIN

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