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DIN EN 14482:2011-01

Postal services - Trays for international letter mail - Test methods and performance requirements; German version EN 14482:2010

German title
Postalische Dienstleistungen - Behälter für internationale Briefsendungen - Testmethoden und Anforderungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 14482:2010
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This European Standard specifies the performance requirements and testing methods for standard letter mail trays suitable for carrying C4, C5 and C6 mail used to facilitate the exchange of international mail. This document supersedes DIN CEN/TS 14482:2003, which has thereby been transferred into a European Standard. This standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of the EU Directives. At the request of CEN, the project (in the framework of CEN/TC 331/WG 4) was lead by an IPC (International Post Corporation) representative, which is an organization with headquarters in Brussels owning various European and North American postal services. IPC employed an independent group of experts in order to investigate the requirements for small mail trays which are suitable to replace the traditional mail bags in various areas of international mail handling. The essential requirements for mail trays have been agreed upon by this group of experts and the experts from CEN/TC 331/WG 4, which is made up of experts for the processing of post and materials and from the industry.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN CEN/TS 14482:2003-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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