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DIN EN 14385:2025-03

Stationary source emissions - Determination of the total emission of As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl and V; German version EN 14385:2024

German title
Emissionen aus stationären Quellen - Bestimmung der Gesamtemission von As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sb, Tl und V; Deutsche Fassung EN 14385:2024
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Short description
EN 14385 'Stationary source emissions - Determination of the total emission of As, Cd, Cr, Co, Cu, Mn, NI, Pb, Sb, Tl and V' specifies a manual reference method for the determination of the mass concentration of specific elements in exhaust gases from hazardous and municipal waste incinerators [1]. The method is applicable to each of the specific elements in the concentration range of 0,005 mg/m3 to 0,5 mg/m3. Unless otherwise stated, concentrations are expressed at volumes under dry conditions, normalised to 273 K, 101,3 kPa, and oxygen content with a volume fraction of 11 %. Specific elements according to this European Standard are antimony (Sb), arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd), chromium (Cr), cobalt (Co), copper (Cu), lead (Pb), manganese (Mn), nickel (Ni), thallium (Tl), and vanadium (V). This European Standard is also applicable for exhaust gases from other sources with a flue gas composition, similar to that given in Table 1. The performance characteristics of the method determined for waste incinerators cannot be extrapolated to be used for other types of matrix without any further validation work. This European Standard has been validated with the described materials, equipment, sampling and digestion performances etc., followed by analyses with AAS and ICP. This does not exclude the use of other types that meet the requirements and proven to be equivalent to the described European Standard. This European Standard has been validated for the determination of the mass concentration of metals in incineration exhaust gases, within the uncertainties stated in Clause 9. If mercury is to be determined as well, this may be sampled in a side stream arrangement of the sampling train (EN 13211). EN 14385:2004 requires revision to bring up to date with EN 15259:2007.
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 14385:2004-05 .

Document timeline
2025-03 - 2025-03

Standard [NEW]

DIN EN 14385:2025-03
2004-05 - 2025-03

Standard [WITHDRAWN]

2023-09 - 2025-03

Draft standard [WITHDRAWN]

Cooperation at DIN

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