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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 13986:2015-06

Wood-based panels for use in construction - Characteristics, evaluation of conformity and marking; German version EN 13986:2004+A1:2015

German title
Holzwerkstoffe zur Verwendung im Bauwesen - Eigenschaften, Bewertung der Konformität und Kennzeichnung; Deutsche Fassung EN 13986:2004+A1:2015
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This European standard defines wood-based panels for use in construction and their essential characteristics. The standard contains amendment A1 to adapt to the EU Construction Products Regulation (EU-BauPVO) and to take into account the amendment to mandate M113 (M444) made after the publication of the current version of the 2005 standard. Compared to DIN EN 13986:2005-03, the properties "racking strength", "Embedment strength" and "Air permeability" have been added. In addition, a new Subclause 4.8 has been added to deal with dangerous substances not yet covered by the standard. Moreover, the classification of fire behaviour without further testing is made possible for further products. Clause 6 on the assessment and verification of the constancy of performance and Annex ZA has been adapted to the terminology of the Construction Products Regulation. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 042-02-15 AA "Holzwerkstoffe - Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 112 und ISO/TC 89" ("Wood-based panels - Mirror Committee for CEN/TC 112 and ISO/TC 89") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 13986:2005-03 .

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