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DIN EN 1367-5:2011-04

Tests for thermal and weathering properties of aggregates - Part 5: Determination of resistance to thermal shock; German version EN 1367-5:2011

German title
Prüfverfahren für thermische Eigenschaften und Verwitterungsbeständigkeit von Gesteinskörnungen - Teil 5: Bestimmung des Widerstandes gegen Hitzebeanspruchung; Deutsche Fassung EN 1367-5:2011
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This European Standard specifies methods for the determination of resistance to thermal shock of aggregates, subject to heating and drying in the production of hot bituminous mixtures. This standard specifies the reference method to be used for type testing and in cases of dispute. For the purpose of type testing and in cases of dispute only the reference method should be used. For other purposes, in particular factory production control, other methods may be used provided that an appropriate relationship with the reference method has been established. The test involves two test specimens with the grading required by EN 1097-2. One soaked test specimen is exposed to 700 °C for 3 minutes. The resistance to fragmentation is then determined in accordance with EN 1097-2 on the first test specimen after heating and the strength loss calculated by comparison with the result of the second test specimen which has not been heated. The increase in undersize passing through the 5 mm sieve after thermal shock is also calculated. The document EN 1367-5:2011 has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 154 "Aggregates", the secretariat of which is held by BSI (United Kingdom). The responsible national committee is Working Committee NA 062-03-13 AA, Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 154 "Aggregates" at the Materials Testing Standards Committee (NMP). With respect to DIN EN 1367-5:2002-11, the following amendments have been made: a) in the Scope, requirements have been established in regards to the type test and cases of dispute; b) the normative references have been updated (ISO 3310-2 "Test sieves - Technical requirements and testing - Part 2: Test sieves of perforated metal plate" has been incorporated and EN 933-2 "Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates - Part 2: Determination of particle size distribution - Test sieves, nominal size of apertures" has been moved to the Bibliography); c) Table 1 and the reference to EN 933-2 have been deleted, however ISO 3310-2 and EN 1097-2 now are now applicable for this.

91.100.15, 93.080.20
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 1367-5:2002-11 .

Cooperation at DIN

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