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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 13418:2013-08

Plastics and rubber machines - Winding machines for film or sheet - Safety requirements; German version EN 13418:2013

German title
Kunststoff- und Gummimaschinen - Wickelmaschinen für flache Bahnen - Sicherheitsanforderungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 13418:2013
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This standard defines relevant requirements set out in Annex I of the EC Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, relating to machines which were placed on the European Economic Area (EEA) market for the first time, with the intent of simplifying the means of proving conformity with such requirements. This European Standard specifies the safety requirements regarding significant hazards for design and construction of winding machines used for the winding, unwinding and rewinding as well as slitting film or sheet manufactured from rubber, plastic and composite materials. This European Standard contains the German version of EN 13418:2013 which has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 145 "Plastics and rubber machines" at the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). The following modifications have been made with respect to DIN EN 3418:2010-01: a) Clause 1 "Scope" has been extended to include slitting and winding machines; b) in Clause 1 "Scope", the list of additional equipment integrated in winding machines has been revised and now includes cross-cutters; c) in Clause 1 "Scope", statements about aids for lifting and handling that have not been dealt with and regarding the thickness gauges not addressed have been omitted; d) Clause 2 "Normative references" has been editorially revised; e) Clause 4 "List of significant hazards" has been editorially revised; f) subclauses in clause 5 have been renumbered; g) normative references in Clause 5 have been updated; h) minimum requirements for the safety related parts of the machine control system have been specified in accordance with EN ISO 13849-1 instead of EN 954-1; i) in 5, the following modifications and supplements have been included in Table 2 "Safety requirements and/or protective measures for individual functional groups and/or machine parts": - self-adjusting guards have been deleted; - some safety levels for the safety related parts of the machine control system have been newly evaluated; - supplements relating to the table have been revised; j) subclause "Start-up procedure and manual intervention" has been restructured: - "Start-up procedure" has been revised and supplemented; - "Manual intervention" has been subdivided into subclause "Manual reel changeover and manual removal of wound reels" and subclause "Taking material samples, checking winding quality, winding core alignment"; k) 7.1 "Minimum marking on the machine" has been editorially revised; l) 7.2 "Instruction manual" has been extended; m) the former Annex B (informative) "Self-adjusting guard" has been deleted; n) a new informative Annex C "Example of a safety concept and procedures for a centre turret winder", which contains schematic representations of a type of winding machine as well as a tabular overview regarding the requred safety measured during different operating conditions, has been added; o) the former informative Annex ZA regarding the relationship between this European Standard and the essential requirements of EU Directive 98/37/EC has been deleted; p) the former Annex ZB regarding the relationship between this European Standard and the essential requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC has been adopted as the new AnnexZA. The national interests during the preparation were represented byWorking Committee NA 060-14-12 AA "Wickelmaschinen" ("Winding machines") of Technical Section "Kunststoff- und Gummimaschinen" ("Plastics and rubber machines") of the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee (NAM) at DIN. Representatives of manufacturers and users of winding machines, and of the employers' liability insurance associations were involved in the preparation.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 13418:2010-01 .

Cooperation at DIN

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