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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 1341/A20:2014-07

Slabs of natural stone for external paving - Requirements and test methods; Amendment A20

German title
Platten aus Naturstein für Außenbereiche - Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren; Änderung A20
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This European Standard specifies the performance requirements and the corresponding test methods for all natural stone slabs used for external paving and road finishes. External paving use includes all pavements typical of road works, such as pedestrian and trafficked areas, outdoor squares and similar areas to be used in an outdoor condition that are subject to the weathering agents, such as temperature changes, rain, ice, wind, etcetera. This European Standard provides also for the evaluation of conformity and for marking of the natural stone slabs. This European Standard covers also characteristics that are of importance to the trade. This European standard does not cover natural stone slabs for floors and stairs in buildings. In these cases EN 12058 applies. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-10-02 AA "Pflastersteine, Platten und Bordsteine (SpA zu CEN/TC 178/WG 1)" ("Paving units and kerbs (national mirror committee for CEN/TC 178/WG 1)") at DIN.


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