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DIN EN 1329-1:2014-07

Plastics piping systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature) within the building structure - Unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) - Part 1: Specifications for pipes, fittings and the system; German version EN 1329-1:2014

German title
Kunststoff-Rohrleitungssysteme zum Ableiten von Abwasser (niedriger und hoher Temperatur) innerhalb der Gebäudestruktur - Weichmacherfreies Polyvinylchlorid (PVC-U) - Teil 1: Anforderungen an Rohre, Formstücke und das Rohrleitungssystem; Deutsche Fassung EN 1329-1:2014
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This part of EN 1329 specifies the requirements for solid wall unplasticized poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-U) pipes, fittings and the pipe system for discharge pipes used in gravity drainage systems for soil and waste discharge (low and high temperature): - inside buildings (application area code "B"); - for both inside buildings and buried in ground within the building structure (application area code "BD"). This part of EN 1329 is also applicable to PVC-U pipes, fittings and the PVC-U pipe system intended for the following purposes: - ventilating part of the pipework in association with discharge applications; - rainwater pipework within the building structure. It also specifies the test parameters for the test method referred to in this European Standard. This European Standard covers a range of nominal sizes, a range of pipes and fittings series and gives recommendations concerning colours. The body responsible for this standard is NA 119-05-28-07 GUA "Gemeinschaftarbeitsausschuss NAW/FNK: Kunststoffrohre zum Ableiten von Abwasser innerhalb von Gebäuden (CEN/TC 155/WG 6)" ("Joint working committee NAW/FNK: Systems for soil and waste discharge within the building structure (CEN/TC 155/WG 6)") at DIN.

23.040.01, 91.140.80
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 1329-1:1999-12 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 1329-1:2018-05 .

Cooperation at DIN

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