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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 1313-1:2010-05

Round and sawn timber - Permitted deviations and preferred sizes - Part 1: Softwood sawn timber; German version EN 1313-1:2010

German title
Rund- und Schnittholz - Zulässige Abweichungen und Vorzugsmaße - Teil 1: Nadelschnittholz; Deutsche Fassung EN 1313-1:2010
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This European Standard specifies permitted deviations for thicknesses and widths of softwood sawn timber at a reference moisture content of 20 %. The necessary adjustments for changes in size due to changes in moisture content are specified. Preferred sizes for thicknesses and widths are also specified for widths of 38 mm and over. An informative Annex A gives complementary national sizes. The standard will supersede DIN EN 1313-1:1999-11. With respect to this previous edition, a new Table 2 giving target cross-sectional sized based on metric measure has been added and tables given in Annex A have been modified accordingly. In Annex A Table A.5 "Complementary preferred sizes in France" has been completed and the concept of preferred size for green timber has been introduced (the fibre saturation point is assumed to be 28 %). Furthermore, Table A.10 "Complementary preferred sizes in Norway" has been completed and Table A.12 "Complementary preferred sizes in Poland" has been added. At DIN the Committee responsible for this standard is NA 042-01-14 AA "Rund- und Schnittholz - Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 175 und ISO/TC 218" ("Round and sawn timber - Mirror committee of CEN/TC 175 and ISO/TC 218").

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 1313-1:1999-11 .

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