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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 13084-6:2016-02

Free-standing chimneys - Part 6: Steel liners - Design and execution; German version EN 13084-6:2015

German title
Freistehende Schornsteine - Teil 6: Innenrohre aus Stahl - Bemessung und Ausführung; Deutsche Fassung EN 13084-6:2015
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This European Standard deals with special requirements and design criteria for the design and execution of steel lining systems for free standing chimneys. It specifies the requirements for cylindrical steel liners as stated in EN 13084-1. This document covers the design of the following three basic types of liners located in a load bearing structure: a) base supported liner; b) sectional liner; c) top hung liner. Additionally this document applies to single wall chimneys whose surface is in contact with flue gases. Liners built from prefabricated metal chimneys in accordance with EN 1856-1 and EN 1856-2 are installed as base supported liners with additional supports and guides as defined in this document. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-11-37 AA "Industrieschornsteine (SpA zu CEN/TC 297)" ("Industrial chimneys (mirror committee to CEN/TC 297)") at the Building and Civil Engineering Standards Committee (NABau) at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 13084-6:2005-03 .

Cooperation at DIN

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