Standard [CURRENT]
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This standard defines relevant requirements set out in Annex I of EU Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, relating to machines which were placed on the European Economic Area (EEA) market for the first time, with the intent of simplifying the means of proving conformity with these requirements. Once this standard is designated a harmonized standard in the Official Journal of the European Union, a manufacturer applying this standard may assume compliance with the requirements of the Machinery Directive (the so-called presumption of conformity). This European Standard is applicable to the design and construction, installation of safety devices, information for use, maintenance and testing of mobile cranes as defined in ISO 4306-2. This European Standard does not apply to: - loader cranes (see EN 12999); - off-shore cranes (see EN 13852-1); - floating cranes (see EN 13852-2); - variable reach trucks (see EN 1459); Variable Reach Trucks are commonly known as telehandlers. - mobile self-erecting tower cranes; - earth-moving machinery used for object handling (see EN 474 series). This standard does not cover hazards related to the lifting of persons. The use of mobile cranes for the lifting of persons is subject to specific national regulations. Mobile cranes covered by this European Standard are designed for a limited number of stress cycles and particular properties of motions, for example smooth application of the driving forces and loading conditions according to ISO 4301-2:1985, group A1. For a duty cycle such as grab, magnet or similar work, additional provisions are required which are outside the scope of this European Standard. The hazards covered by this European Standard are identified in Annex C. This document is not applicable to mobile cranes which are manufactured before the date of publication of this document by CEN. This standard is the German version of EN 13000:2010 which has been prepared by Technical Committee CEN/TC 147 "Cranes - Safety" of the European Committee for Standardization (CEN). DIN EN 13000:2010-05 has been completely revised to take into account recent developments, new requirements and changes to referenced standards. The following essential modifications affect the main topics and related requirements: - The scope of this standard has been amended to cover gaps and overlaps with other European Standards. - Several wind related incidents forced the specification of a more precise definition of wind loads and the development of explanations to be added in the instruction manual (Subclauses and - The limit value for the noise measured at the operator position has been aligned with current legal requirements and the former noise clause has been reorganized to improve readability (Subclauses 5.3, 6.1.2 and Annex G). - To cover the risks of a wrong setting of the outrigger configuration and to align the standard with other European Standards and recently introduced regulations outside of the EEA, requirements for outrigger monitoring have been introduced (Subclause The national interests during the preparation are represented by committee NA 060-22-12-11 AK "Krane - Fahrzeugkrane" ("Cranes - Mobile cranes") and NA 060-22-10 AA "Lenkungsausschuss Krane CEN/TC 147, ISO/TC 96 - Krane" ("Steering Committee CEN/TC 147, ISO/TC 96 - Cranes") of the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee (NAM) at DIN. Representatives of manufacturers and users of cranes and lifting equipment and of the employers' liability insurance associations contributed to this standard.
This document replaces DIN EN 13000 Berichtigung 1:2011-01 , DIN EN 13000:2010-05 .
This document has been corrected by: DIN EN 13000 Berichtigung 1:2018-12 .