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DIN EN 12871:2010-06

Wood-based panels - Performance specifications and requirements for load bearing boards for use in floors, walls and roofs; German version EN 12871:2010

German title
Holzwerkstoffe - Leistungsspezifikationen und Anforderungen für tragende Platten zur Verwendung in Fußböden, Wänden und Dächern; Deutsche Fassung EN 12871:2010
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This standard serves as a basis for design of a structure by type testing. Therefore the specifications and requirements for structural floor, roof decking or wall sheathing using wood-based panels are set out. Compared to calculation based on characteristic values, type testing allows an optimized design, since the results from the testing apply only to the structure under consideration. This revision takes into account amendments, which have been made since the previous version has been published in EN 1995-1-1 (Eurocode 5) and in the harmonized standard on wood-based panels, EN 13986. Compared with EN 12871:2001, the revised version allows for deriving the serviceability limit state, which is missing in EN 1195. Where no national regulations exist, requirements are proposed for panel deflection under concentrated loading. The additional requirements for roofing covered with membrane have been upgraded with regard to the shrinkage of the supporting panels. Furthermore, the exploitation of results has been updated by taking into account the revision of EN 14358. The responsible Committee is NA 042-02-15 AA "Holzwerkstoffe - Spiegelausschuss zu CEN/TC 112 und ISO/TC 89" ("Wood-based panels - Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 112 and ISO/TC 89").

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 12871:2001-09 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 12871:2013-09 .

Cooperation at DIN

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