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DIN EN 12839:2012-03

Precast concrete products - Elements for fences; German version EN 12839:2012

German title
Betonfertigteile - Betonelemente für Zäune; Deutsche Fassung EN 12839:2012
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This document specifies requirements for precast products in reinforced or pre-stressed concrete with or without fibres, to be used together or in combination with other elements to erect fences for example, boundary fences. This document covers both mechanical resistance determined by calculation and load bearing capacity determined by testing. Normal weight concrete or light weight concrete elements include posts, solid or open panels, slabs, rails, spurs, struts and base panels. The intended uses may be nonstructural or lightly structural. This document provides for the evaluation of conformity of products to this European Standard. Marking conditions are included. EN 12939:2011 has been tested and coordinated by a joint working group designated by liaison group CEN/TC 229 and CEN/TC 250, in particular with regard to compatibility with the Eurocodes for structural engineering. This standard is part of a series of product standards on precast concrete products. For common aspects reference is made to EN 13369:2004, "Common rules for precast concrete products", from which also the relevant requirements of EN 206-1, "Concrete - Part 1: Specification, performance, production and conformity", are taken. The references to EN 13369:2004 by CEN/TC 229 product standards are intended to make them homogeneous and to avoid repetitions of similar requirements in the standards. Eurocodes are taken as a common reference for design aspects. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-07-08 AA "Betonfertigteile (SpA zu CEN/TC 229)" ("Precast concrete products (Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 229)") at DIN.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 12839:2001-12 .

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