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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN EN 12704:2012-06

Adhesives for paper and board, packaging and disposable sanitary products - Determination of foam formation for aqueous adhesives; German version EN 12704:2012

German title
Klebstoffe für Papier, Verpackung und Hygieneprodukte - Bestimmung der Schaumbildung von wässrigen Klebstoffen; Deutsche Fassung EN 12704:2012
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This European Standard specifies a test method to determine the foam formation, or air entrainment during rapid stirring of aqueous adhesives with a maximum viscosity of 10 000 MPas at room temperature determined in accordance with EN 12092. The adhesive is stirred under defined conditions and the foam formation determined from the differences between the initial and final volumes of the adhesive. At present a DIN committee does not exist for EN 12704 since the parties concerned have not shown any interest in work on the subject.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 12704:2000-01 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 12704:2016-10 .

Cooperation at DIN

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