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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 12405-2:2012-10

Gas meters - Conversion devices - Part 2: Energy conversion; German version EN 12405-2:2012

German title
Gaszähler - Umwerter - Teil 2: Energieumwertung; Deutsche Fassung EN 12405-2:2012
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EN 12405-2 is structured in three parts: Part 1 - Volume conversion (and its amendments EN12405-1/A1 and EN 12405-1+A2 to allow the harmonisation of this standard with the Measuring Instruments Directive 2004/22/EC); Part 2 - Conversion devices (this standard); Part 3 - Flow computers used as gas meter conversion (in preparation). Part 2 of this standard describes the requirements and tests for the construction, characteristics, safety and conformity of conversion devices used to determine the energy of fuel gases, including those of the 1st and 2nd families according to EN 437. The energy conversion devices considered in this standard consists of an energy calculator that is associated with one or more of the following devices and/or functions: - a volume conversion device or a flow computer used as gas meter conversion, either conforming to EN 12405-1 or to prEN 12405-3, for high accuracy measurements; - a calorific value determination device (CVDD). The committee responsible for this standard is NA 032-02-05 AA "Gasmessung" ("Gas measuring") at DIN.


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