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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 12209:2016-10

Building hardware - Mechanically operated locks and locking plates - Requirements and test methods; German version EN 12209:2016

German title
Schlösser und Baubeschläge - Mechanisch betätigte Schlösser und Schließbleche - Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren; Deutsche Fassung EN 12209:2016
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This European Standard specifies requirements and test methods for durability, strength, security and functionality of mechanically operated locks and their locking plates: a) for use in doors in buildings; b) for use on fire and smoke compartmentation doors fitted with door closing devices, to enable such doors to close reliably and thus achieve self-closing in the event of fire; and c) for use on locked fire doors to maintain the fire integrity of the door assembly. This European Standard covers locks and their locking plates which are either manufactured and placed on the market in their entirety by one producer or produced by more than one producer, or assembled from sub-assemblies produced by more than one producer and designed to be used in combination. This European Standard specifies mechanically operated locks and locking systems intended for use in different environmental and security conditions, thus necessitating different grades. This European Standard does not specify Multipoint locks or their locking plates which are specified by prEN 15685. This European Standard specifies the dimensions and properties required for security. Assessment of the contribution of the product to the fire resistance of specific fire resistance and/or smoke control doorset assemblies is beyond the scope of this European Standard. The committee responsible for this standard is NA 005-09-43 AA "Riegel- und Fallenschlösser" ("Dead(bolt)locks and latches") at DIN.

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