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DIN EN 1090-4:2018-09

Execution of steel structures and aluminium structures - Part 4: Technical requirements for cold-formed structural steel elements and cold-formed structures for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications; German version EN 1090-4:2018

German title
Ausführung von Stahltragwerken und Aluminiumtragwerken - Teil 4: Technische Anforderungen an tragende, kaltgeformte Bauelemente aus Stahl und tragende, kaltgeformte Bauteile für Dach-, Decken-, Boden- und Wandanwendungen; Deutsche Fassung EN 1090-4:2018
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This European Standard specifies requirements for the execution; that is the manufacture and the installation, of cold-formed structural steel members and sheeting and cold-formed structures for roof, ceiling, floor, wall and cladding applications. This European Standard applies to structures designed according to the EN 1993 series. This European Standard applies to structural members and sheeting to be designed according to EN 1993-1-3. This European Standard may be used for structures designed according to other design rules provided that conditions for execution comply with them and any necessary additional requirements are specified. This European Standard also specifies requirements for the execution; that is, the manufacture and the installation of structures made from cold formed profiled sheeting for roof, ceiling, floor and wall applications under predominately static loading or seismic loading conditions and their documentation. This European Standard covers sheeting of structural classes I and II according to EN 1993-1-3 used in structures. For information on products in construction class III, see EN 14782. This European Standard covers structural members of all structural classes according to EN 1993-1-3. This document (EN 1090-4:2017) has been prepared at European Committee CEN/TC 135 "Execution of steel structures and aluminum structures" with German participation. At DIN, the German Institute for Standardization e. V., Working Committee NA 005-08-14 AA "Stahlbauten; Herstellung (Sp CEN/TC 135)" ("Steel structures; Fabrication (Mirror Committee of CEN/TC 135)") at DIN Standards Committee Building and Civil Engineering (NABau) is responsible.

91.010.30, 91.080.13, 91.080.17
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 18807-3/A1:2001-05 , DIN 18807-3:1987-06 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 1090-4:2020-06 .

Cooperation at DIN

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