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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 10245-1:2012-01

Steel wire and wire products - Organic coatings on steel wire - Part 1: General rules; German version EN 10245-1:2011

German title
Stahldraht und Drahterzeugnisse - Organische Beschichtungen auf Stahldraht - Teil 1: Allgemeine Regeln; Deutsche Fassung EN 10245-1:2011
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The DIN EN 10245 standard series consists of several parts, where Part 1 covers the general rules and applies for organic coatings and coatings for which no specific requirements have been established in the subsequent parts of the standard. DIN EN 10245-1: This part of the DIN EN 10245 standard series specifies the requirements for the characteristics and testing methods for coatings made of organic coating material suitable for application onto steel wire and wire products of circular and other sections. Other organic materials which are applied intentionally or otherwise such as oils, greases, waxes and temporary finishes which do not become integral or a permanent part of the finished wire product are excluded from this standard. DIN EN 10245-2: Complementary to DIN EN 10245-1, this standard specifies the characteristics and requirements for steel wire and wire products coated with PVC. DIN EN 10245-3: This standard specifies the characteristics and requirements for steel wire and steel wire products coated with polyethylene (PE). DIN EN 10245-4: Complementary to DIN EN 10245-1, DIN EN 10245-4 specifies the characteristics and requirements for steel wire and wire products coated with polyester. It covers both thermoplastic and thermosetting polyester. DIN EN 10245-5: This standard additionally specifies the characteristics and requirements for steel wire and wire products coated with polyamide (PA6). The revisions of the European standard series EN 10245 have been prepared by ECISS/TC 106 "Wire rod and wires", the secretariat of which is held by AFNOR (France). The responsible national Mirror Committee is Working Committee NA 099-00-01 AA "Stahldraht" ("Steel wire") of NAD.


Content (de)

  • Nationales Vorwort
  • Vorwort
  • Einleitung
  • Anwendungsbereich
  • Normative Verweisungen
  • Begriffe
  • Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren für organischen Beschichtungsstoff
  • Anforderungen und Prüfverfahren für organische Beschichtung auf dem Draht
  • Prüfung der Funktionstauglichkeit der organischen Beschichtung
  • Wiederholungsprüfungen
  • Prüfung und Qualitätssicherung
  • Literaturhinweise
25.220.60, 77.140.65
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 10245-1:2001-07 .

Cooperation at DIN

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