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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN EN 10217-1:2019-08

Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 1: Electric welded and submerged arc welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified room temperature properties; German version EN 10217-1:2019

German title
Geschweißte Stahlrohre für Druckbeanspruchungen - Technische Lieferbedingungen - Teil 1: Elektrisch geschweißte und unterpulvergeschweißte Rohre aus unlegierten Stählen mit festgelegten Eigenschaften bei Raumtemperatur; Deutsche Fassung EN 10217-1:2019
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The EN 10217-1 to -7 series of standards contains the technical delivery conditions for electrically welded and submerged arc welded pipes with circular cross-sections made of unalloyed, alloyed and stainless steels. They are used as pressure-retaining components in plant and power plant construction. Examples of applications are: Tubes in heat exchangers (Part 2 and Part 5), tubes for elevated and lower temperatures (Part 3), tubes for low temperatures (Part 4 and Part 6), stainless tubes for the food and chemical industry (Part 7). Since liquids/gases often flow through the pipes under high pressure and therefore the liquids/gases pose a considerable hazard potential, the pipes standardized here are subject to the European Pressure Equipment Directive. Pipes complying with these harmonized standards are generally supplied with a CE mark. The concept of EN 10217-1 to -7 has been retained with the second edition compared with the previous edition of this standard. Part 1 of the series of standards has been mainly editorially revised with regard to steel grades, the references and harmonization with the PED. Digital radiographic testing is now permitted for testing the weld seam. The committee NA 021-00-09-01 UA "Rohre aus allgemeinen Baustählen oder Feinkornbaustählen" ("Non-alloy structural steel and fine grain steel tubes") at DIN is responsible for Part 1.

23.040.10, 77.140.75
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN EN 10217-1:2005-04 .

Cooperation at DIN

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