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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 8743:2014-01

Packaging machines and packaging lines - Key figures to characterise operation behaviour and requirements for data collection in an acceptance test

German title
Verpackungsmaschinen und Verpackungsanlagen - Kennzahlen zur Charakterisierung des Betriebsverhaltens und Bedingungen für deren Ermittlung im Rahmen eines Abnahmelaufs
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This standard has been prepared by Working Committee NA 060-18-27 AA "Zeitbezogene Begriffe für Verpackungsmaschinen" ("Time-related terms for packaging machines") at the Mechanical Engineering Standards Committee at NAM. This standard serves to promote mutual understanding between manufacturers and users of packaging machines and packaging lines with respect to the selection and calculation of key figures for the description of the operating behaviour of these machine systems. For this purpose it differentiates between general and technical key figures and formulates requirements for the collection of technical key figures in acceptance tests. The system of key figures developed in DIN 8743:2004-06 has been fully re-worked for this purpose. The standard can also be applied analogously to other technically related processing machines. This standard differs from DIN 8743:2004-06 as follows: a) the title of the standard has been modified; b) the time model has been expanded and revised; c) a differentiation is no longer made between packaging machines and packaging lines. Instead, uniform reference is made to machine systems which are defined by their system boundaries. As a result, no structures for packaging machines or lines are defined and no differentiation is made between key figures for packaging machines and packaging lines; d) references to important factors influencing the collection of technical key figures have been added, and minimum requirements for the performance of acceptance tests for the collection of key figures have been formulated; e) a differentiation has been made between technical key figures and general key figures.

01.040.55, 21.020, 55.200
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 8743:2004-06 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN 415-11:2021-12 .

Cooperation at DIN

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