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DIN 863-1:2017-02

Geometrical product specifications (GPS) - Micrometers - Part 1: Micrometers for external measurements; maximum permissible errors

German title
Geometrische Produktspezifikation (GPS) - Messschrauben - Teil 1: Bügelmessschrauben; Grenzwerte für Messabweichungen
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DIN 863-1 has been fully revised in response to the publication of DIN EN ISO 3611:2011-03, which is a concept standard that only specifies requirements for the most important design and metrological characteristics. The limit values for errors of measurement are no longer included in this concept standard, although German industry had argued against the deletion of these values. To ensure German industry continues to have access to the limit values for metrological characteristics, this new edition of DIN 863-1 has been published, which contains only the limit values for the errors of measurement. The limit values for errors of measurement given in this standard were specified in DIN 863-1:1983-10 before the publication of DIN EN ISO 14253-1 and adopted unchanged in DIN 863-1:1999-04, not taking into account DIN EN ISO 14253-1. With these limit values, proof of conformity with specifications as required in DIN EN ISO 14253-1:2013-12, 5.2 is normally not possible using the available test methods. For this reason, the method of proving conformity with the specification laid down in ISO/TR 14253-6:2012-11 has been specified here. NA 152-03-02-07 UA "Längenprüftechnik außer Koordinaten-, Form- und Oberflächenmesstechnik sowie Gewindekenngrößen" ("Length checking practice except coordinate, form and surface measuring technology as well as characteristics of screw threads") at DIN Standards Committee Technical Fundamentals (NATG) is responsible for this document.

Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 863-1:1999-04 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN EN ISO 3611:2024-09 .

Cooperation at DIN

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