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Standard [CURRENT]

DIN 81249-3:2012-09

Corrosion of metals in sea water and sea atmosphere - Part 3: Galvanic corrosion in sea water; Text in German and English

German title
Korrosion von Metallen in Seewasser und Seeatmosphäre - Teil 3: Kontaktkorrosion in Seewasser; Text Deutsch und Englisch
Publication date
Original language
German, English

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The standards of the DIN 81249 series contain terms and their definitions, basic information, information and guiding values for the corrosion behaviour of unprotected, frequently used metallic materials in contact with sea water or sea atmosphere. The special features of the material behaviour of various unprotected metals in metal-conducting contact with each other are described. The indicated numerical values are values from ranges of variations which have been formed as the mean from the values from numerous publications with very different boundary conditions. The information and numbers provide an indication of the corrosion behaviour of a metal which can be expected on average. Part 3 describes the corrosion behaviour of material upon direct contact with materials from the same group and other groups.

47.020.05, 77.060
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 81249-3:1997-11 .

Cooperation at DIN

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