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Standard [WITHDRAWN]

DIN 75078-2:2015-04

Motor vehicle for the transportation of handicapped persons - Part 2: Restraint systems; Concepts, requirements, testing

German title
Kraftfahrzeuge zur Beförderung mobilitätsbehinderter Personen (KMP) - Teil 2: Rückhaltesysteme; Begriffe, Anforderungen, Prüfung
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This document has been prepared by Working Committee NA 053-01-07 AA "Kraftfahrzeuge zur Beförderung mobilitätsbehinderter Personen" ("Motor vehicles for transportation of persons with reduced mobility") of the DIN Standards Committee Rescue Services and Hospital (NARK). This standard applies to restraint systems in motor vehicles for transportation of persons with reduced mobility in accordance with DIN 75078-1:2010-04+Ber 1:2012-02 and specifies requirements for both motor vehicles for transportation of persons with reduced mobility (KMP), for restraint systems for persons and wheelchairs (PRS and RRS) and for the wheelchairs themselves. This standard is intended for use by: - manufacturers producing and companies converting motor vehicles for transportation of persons with reduced mobility: Clauses 1 to 5; - restraint system manufacturers: Clauses 1 to 4 and Clause 6; - wheelchair manufacturers: Clauses 1 to 4 and Clause 7; - and KMP operators, contractors and funders of the transportation or the wheelchair, respectively: Clauses 1 to 4.

11.180.10, 43.040.80
Replacement amendments

This document replaces DIN 75078-2:1999-10 .

This document has been replaced by: DIN 75078-2:2021-03 .

Cooperation at DIN

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